By using Keystone Almanac, runs the inner gear and writes its lifecycle information to the given almanac controller.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MakeAuditable<TInnerGearResult> type.

Name Description
Public property AutorunInputActions Gets a value indicating whether to run the input value provider gears when the current gear runs. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearDescription Gets or sets the gear description. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearId Gets the gear identifier. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearInputs Gets or sets the gear inputs. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearName Gets or sets the gear name. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearOutputs Gets or sets the gear outputs. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public property GearReturnType Gets the result type that this gear produces after running. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Public property GearRunningEngine Gets the gear running engine. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Name Description
Public method EffectivelyRun This method calls the actual code of this gear. WARNING: Even though this is a public method, it is not intended to be directly called, it should only be invoked by gear running engines. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (Overloaded) Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method OnAutorunInputActions Handles the request to get the value indicating whether to run the input value provider gears when the current gear runs. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnDecorateExecution Handles the request to decorate the execution of Decorate<TResult, InnerGear. (inherited from DecorateLifecycle<TInnerGearResult>).
Protected method OnDecoratePostRun Handles the request to decorate post run state of InnerGear.
Protected method OnDecoratePreRun Handles the request to decorate pre run state of InnerGear.
Protected method OnDecorateRunningFailure Handles the request to decorate running failure state of InnerGear.
Protected method OnDecorateRunningSuccess Handles the request to decorate running success state of InnerGear.
Protected method OnGetInputValidations Handles the request to get the current gear inputs Configuration first validation rules. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnGetInvalidGearInputDefaultMessage Handles the request to get the default message to include in the input validation exception. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnInputInstantiationCompleted Handles the request to execute the subscriber code for the completion event of the gear running engine input instantiation logic. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnOutputInstantiationCompleted Handles the request to execute the subscriber code for the completion event of the gear running engine output instantiation logic. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnRun Handles the request to run the actual code of this gear. (inherited from Decorate<TResult, TInnerGearResult>).
Protected method OnRunCodeFirstValidations Handles the request to run the Code first validations. (inherited from BaseGear).
Protected method OnRunConfigurationFirstValidations Handles the request to run the Configuration first validation rules. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Protected method OnRunDeclarationFirstValidations Handles the request to run the Declaration first validators. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method Run Runs this gear. This convenience method simplifies the activation of the underlying gear running engine, which in turns handle the calling of the Gear<EffectivelyRun method. (inherited from Gear<TResult>).
Protected method RunDeclarationFirstGears Runs the declaration first gears that annotates the current gear. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method ValidateInputs Validates the gear inputs by applying its Declaration, Configuration and Code first validations, in that specific order. (inherited from BaseGear).
Name Description
Public extension method FromNullable Converts object values to nullable relational data store values. (Defined by Object_ToNullable).
Public extension method GetAttribute Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttribute<TAtribute> (Overloaded) Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttributes Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttributes<TAtribute> (Overloaded) Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method ToNullable<T> Converts nullable relational data store values to Nullable<T>. (Defined by Object_ToNullable).
Name Description
Public field AggregateGearInputValidationExceptions Input<bool>: Sets the flag that determines if input validation exceptions should be aggregated in one main exception. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public field AuditInnerGearInputs Input<bool>: true to include inner gear Input<T> values in the log entries; otherwise, false.
Public field AuditInnerGearOutputs Input<bool>: true to include inner gear Output<T> values in the log entries; otherwise, false.
Public field AutoconfigureComponentNameInAlmanac Input<bool>: true to use ToString() to infer the log entry associated component name; otherwise, false.
Public field InnerGear Input<Gear<TInnerGearResult>>: The decorated gear. (inherited from Decorate<TResult, TInnerGearResult>).
Public field InvalidGearInputMessage Input<string>: Sets the message to include in the input validation exception. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public field MakeDurable Input<bool>: Sets the flag that determines if this gear running results will be cached, so that subsequent uses of this same gear deliver its results from that cache instead of from a new full run. (inherited from BaseGear).
Public field Operation Input<string>: The log entry associated operation name.
Public field TreatExceptionsAsFatalErrors Input<bool>: true to write in the log exceptions as fatal errors; otherwise, false.
Public field WithAlmanac Input<AlmanacController>: The AlmanacController that offers writing functions to the underlying log.